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How to get more early career scientists involved in the IPCC assessment process?

If you are an early career scientist (students and researchers up to 5 years after their latest degree) let your voice be heard to get more young researchers involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the future. This survey [1] aims to gain improved understanding on how early career scientists (ECS) can play a role in the IPCC. The objectives of this research are aligned with the vision of the Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community, to unify early career researchers in an influential network and communication platform to promote local and global exchange across multiple disciplines related to Earth system science. Your contribution is greatly needed and will be very much appreciated! It will take you around 10 minutes, or less, to complete the entire form. We guarantee you that all answers will be kept strictly confidential, and survey results will be used for research purposes only. We would like as many people as possible to undertake the survey, so we will very much appreciate if you could please circulate it widely around your networks. Thank you very much in advance! Members from the YESS community: Jo-Ting Huang-Lachmann, Rafaela Flach, Carla N. Gulizia, Pablo Borges de Amorim, Mohammad Rahimi, Gaby Langendijk, Cicilia Githaiga [1] Link to survey: <>

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