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Goals and Motivation

This network works on the basis of these goals in order to be able to give advice to Young Scientists on how to do better science in a general basis. 

Promoting integrated science

One of the main objectives in natural sciences is to integrate all the processes and interactions that are taking place in the Earth system. A lot of things are going on in terms of environmental sciences, but some of them are not being related to each other or to the whole system. The main motivation of doing research in different areas of natural sciences is to grow our understanding about the whole Earth system, especially to forecast how the Earth system will behave with climate changes and how we can deal with those scenarios in terms of resources and economy. All the knowledge that we already have works as parts of a puzzle that we are building. However, this only makes sense if we put all of those parts together, and when we think about those parts, we may think in a way that they can fit well with the whole puzzle - the Earth system. Therefore, here we offer a basis to share the going on research about integrated land ecosystem and atmospheric process studies, in order to contribute to research divulgation and to provoke some insights to Early Career Scientists and whoever is interested!

Promoting networking

​Doing science is amazing! Researching for something new and diving into undiscovered worlds is extremely sensational and allows unexpected surprises appearing anywhere. Sometimes however analyses can be exhausting and searching for the unknown peace of a puzzle on a stressful day can a bit appear like looking for a needle in a haystack. But it´s no reason to get desperated. That can be part of the game and what really can be helpful is the exchange of ideas and discussion about challenges and problems. It´s not unusual that someone in the neighbor lab can have the key for a question one is looking for since a long time. Sharing ideas and discussions about ongoing challenges can enhance the effectiveness and the velocity of upcoming great results enormously.

Something new can be found from different sides. Processes interact with each other and the correlation between one piece and some others can be seen much better with the help of colleagues from different or adjacent areas.

As especially Earth System Sciences comprise such a broad field of systems and processes, networking within the same and between different branches is indispensable in many aspects. Conferences, workshops and several scientific meetings are the core of creating those connections and to maintain them. The use of modern media is an important tool for keeping this common work running in between. This website should help to get new ideas connected interactively, to provide interesting events to participate and invites to join building up a stong network of young scientists.

Promoting leadership skills​​

Science is more than getting scientist papers and striking results. How to deal with people in an important part of our working life as we work in team, with other people and we aim for collaborative science. Therefore, learning soft skills is important. Some people are born with these skills, but for those who aren’t these can be achieved with practice.

  • Taking initiative: do more than what it is just stated in your working duties. The more you do, the more you learn.

  • Critical thinking: question everything, regardless if it comes from the greatest scientists or it comes from laymen. Foresee potential problems.

  • Listening effectively: get feedback from others. Eye contact, avoid distractions, respond appropriately.

  • Motivate Others.

  • Self-discipline.

  • Constant learning.

  • Know how to delegate: one person cannot do all, teach and learn how to trust people in order to delegate the activities. Remember we aim for collaborative science.

  • Be able to handle conflicts efficiently.

  • Be a follower.

  • Put yourself on the other’s person shoes.

​So to sum up, be able to influence without authority, and the best way of doing so is by motivating.

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